Best Formula Milk for Babies 0-6 Months in Nigeria: 2024 Review

Best Formula Milk for Babies 0-6 Months in Nigeria

Are you looking for Best Formula Milk for Babies 0-6 Months in Nigeria? Top brands include SMA, Nestlé NAN, Cerelac and 123 peak etc.

Numerous formula milk options are available in Nigeria, and parents need to choose the one that will be most effective for their baby. This is especially true during their crucial months of growth, which lasts up to six months.

So many options in the market can make it difficult to make a choice. Knowing your child’s needs and looking into specific factors can help you decide the best.

In this article, we will look at some of the finest formula milk choices recommended for Nigerian babies aged between 0-6 months so that they will grow up healthy and develop well. What Nutritional Needs Do Infants Aged 0-6 Months Have?

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Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Babies 0-6 Months Old

Children develop and grow rapidly in the first six months of life; proper nutrition should be maintained. Understanding the nutritional requirements of infants aged 0-6 months is vital in facilitating proper growth and development.

During this period, babies depend majorly on either breast or bottle feeding as their only source of nourishment.

It’s important to note that breast and formula milk contain essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals necessary to support diverse body functions, thus ensuring general wellness.

Breast milk is considered the gold standard for infant nutrition due to its unique composition, providing optimal nutrition and immune protection. 

Nevertheless, the formula is a good substitute to fill the gap for babies who can’t breastfeed or when there’s no breast milk. Formula milk is made to imitate the nutrient composition of breast milk so that infants receive the right diet. It’s important to select formulas that specifically meet the nutritional needs of infants aged 0-6 months.

Typically, infant formulae contain fortified nutrients like iron, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, which support brain growth, strong bones, and immunity.

Furthermore, newborn formula should be simple to digest, gentle on their tummy, and not include harmful substances or allergens.

Parents who understand what is required to provide nutrition for babies between 0-6 months old can choose a perfect baby feed thus ensuring they get all necessary nutrients for their proper development.

Always consult your pediatrician before choosing a formula.

Here’s a breakdown of the key nutrients babies 0-6 months old need:


  • Protein: Vital for tissue construction and repair. Breast milk and formula contain an appropriate quantity and type of protein for infants.
  • Carbohydrates: Provide a main source of energy for your baby. The body easily absorbs complex carbohydrates from breast milk or formula.
  • Fats: Required in brain development, storage of energy, and absorption of certain vitamins. Breast milk, as well as formula, supplies healthy fats.


o Vitamins and Minerals: Overall health, growth, and development depend on them. Breast milk may offer most minerals to infants, whereas some formulas may be fortified with extra nutrients such as Vitamin D.

Why Solids Are Not Recommended Before 6 Months

  • Immature Digestive System: The infant’s gastrointestinal tract is still developing for the first six months of life. Solid foods can be problematic to digest, increasing susceptibility to infections.
  • Nutritional Needs Met by Breast Milk/Formula: In the first six months, breastfeeding or formula feeding covers all nutritional requirements.
  • Focus on Breastfeeding/Formula Feeding: Introducing complementary feeds before six months may disrupt breastfeeding patterns.

Signs your baby might be ready for solid foods (around 6 months, but always consult your pediatrician):

  • Ability to control head and can sit with support
  • Shows interest in food
  • Loses the tongue-thrust reflex (pushes food out of the mouth with tongue)
  • Can reach for and grab objects


  • Consult your pediatrician before introducing solid foods, even after 6 months.
  • Start with single-ingredient purees and introduce new foods one at a time to monitor for allergies.
  • Focus on nutrient-dense options when you do introduce solids.

By understanding your baby’s nutritional needs and following your pediatrician’s guidance, you can ensure they get the best possible start in life.

Choosing the Best Formula Milk

This is a very crucial decision that you have to make for your Six months old baby in Nigeria. The following are some of the things to consider.

  • Age and Nutritional Needs: Different formulas are made based on the specific nutritional requirements of babies at different ages. Choose a formula suitable for your baby’s age so it can have all the required nutrients for growth.
    • Type of Formula: Formula milk is available in cow milk-based, soy-based, lactose-free, hydrolyzed (for allergies), and prematurity/ condition-specific forms. Ask your child’s doctor which one is appropriate for them.
    • Ingredients: Check out whether these substances contain any elements that might cause allergic reactions in your baby or any other sensitive information. Additionally, ensure whether DHA and ARA, two important substances needed by the brain and eyes during development, are included in the formula.
    • Preparation: Consider the ease of preparation and additional mixing required or readymade form when selecting a formula. Some are mixed with water, others are mixed, while others still need total preparation from scratch. Let your lifestyle suitability be the determiner.
    • Cost: Formula milk is quite expensive. Therefore, you must be able to take into account your financial capability when choosing a particular brand. However, let me inform you that inferior quality or standard is not synonymous with high prices; consider what your baby needs and how much money you can spend on formula.
    • Brand Reputation: Go for brands with a good image in the market manufacturing safe formulae. Check their ratings, look for people who have used them, and see if they ever issued any recall or safety hazard related to the brand.
    • Safety and Regulations: Ensure that the formula adheres to stipulated safety standards and regulations as prescribed by law in Nigeria.
    • Packaging and Storage: Determine the packing and storage dimensions required by the formula. You can easily have it preserved especially because you will carry it to any place you will be moving around. This is very essential in your packed hours.
    • Doctor’s Recommendation: Consult a pediatrician whenever you want to make any decision on this. The doctor could inform you based on whichever illness your child suffers.
    • Taste and Tolerance: Newborns may prefer particular tastes; therefore get a formula for which the baby will like. Therefore, you might observe intolerance or allergies such as too much crying, gas, or skin rashes; let these signs be reported to your physician.
    • Breast Milk as the Best Option: Breast Milk as the Best Option: If possible, choose to breastfeed more than anything due to its many advantages to the health of your child and growth ability. As for if one is not comfortable giving their baby formula-fed foods, let them take these concerns up with their doctor who will provide all the necessary support regarding this until their child can eat solid food.

Top 5 Brands of Formula Milk for Babies 0-6 Months in Nigeria

These are important during the first six months as they greatly help her growth and development. Thus, below are five top brands of formula milk for babies that parents in Nigeria trust:

  1. Enfamil: This is a popular brand whose baby food is scientifically developed to match human breast milk closely. They make this product for children from birth to six months with the necessary nutrients for normal growth.
  2. SMA Nutrition: SMA Nutrition makes different types of infant formulas according to every child’s needs at all stages of their development. They have been fortified with necessary vitamins and minerals, aiding proper growth and immunity.
  3. Nestlé NAN: Nestlé NAN is one of the favorites among Nigerian parents because it produces good quality milk products. It has different kinds for babies aged 0-6 months; these contain just enough essential nutrients to support healthy growth.
  4. Aptamil: Aptamil is a well-known name for infant nutrition. Their formula contains things like DHA & ARA and other supporting nutritional elements crucial in the brain and eye growth up until months old age.
  5. Similac: Similac has a range of milk formulas for children up to six months. The formulation is designed to be easily digested and nutritionally adequate for optimal growth and development.

When purchasing infant formula, it’s crucial to consult your physician so that you can determine which one suits your kid’s specific nutritional requirements. In addition, while selecting appropriate baby formula, taste, tolerance, and convenience must be considered.Nutritional Content and Ingredients of the Top 5 Brands of Formula Milk in Nigeria.

While selecting the best formula milk for your baby, consider its nutritional value and ingredients. 

Pros and Cons of Using Formula Milk for Your Baby: What You Need to Know

Formula milk is an alternative to breast milk, which helps feed infants when mothers can or decide not to breastfeed them. However, like any other meal plan, it has advantages and disadvantages.

Below is a summary of merits and demerits associated with this kind of nutrition for your toddler:


  1. Conveniently: it is possible to buy Formula from retailers where it is made within minutes and, as a result, this makes it very convenient for parents who are busy or have careers.
  2. Nutritional Content: Some formula milk contains essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals such as calcium needed by a baby’s body at different stages until they reach one year of age.
  3. Flexibility: Fathers can also feed their children so that both parents can bond with their babies equally; hence, the baby can be fed even in public places where breastfeeding may not be feasible.
  4. Predictability: It will not be difficult for formula feeding to enable one to know how much milk their child takes at a time, thus creating consistency in the child’s appetite.
  5. Control: Parents who feed their babies on formulas have the right to dictate what they eat by monitoring food intake and adjusting formulas according to each baby’s nutritional needs


  1. No Antibodies: unlike babies who are given breast milk, formula does not have antibodies or other immune-boosting factors; thus, your baby will be more prone to diseases and infections than exclusively breastfed infants.
  2. Costs: purchasing canisters of baby formulas can be quite expensive, especially if you have a child with special needs or have lactose intolerance. This will ultimately affect the family budget in the long run.
  3. Preparation and Cleaning: Keeping bottles, teats, and other feeding utensils used for formula clean is necessary to avoid tampering with the baby’s health.
  4. Digestive Problems: Some infants may experience malfunctioning in their digestive systems, such as constipation, gas, or diarrhea, when they switch from breastfeeding to formula because it takes a longer time for them to digest, unlike human milk.
  5. Environmental Impact: Formula Feeding generates waste through manufacturing and disposing of packaging materials, bottles, and cans for formula, which may not be biodegradable.

In conclusion, even though it is a very convenient way for parents to nurse babies easily due to its easy accessibility everywhere, there is no place where there is no food store that does not sell this essential commodity called infant food.

Considering the child’s needs, it is important to look at both the good and bad sides of using it.

Professional advice given by a pediatrician or lactation consultant can assist you in making informed choices about available options in your case since every baby deserves an appropriate way to feed.

How to Prepare and Store Baby Formula Milk Safely

It is very important to prep and save baby formula safely. This way, the infant gets proper nutrition while minimizing risks of contamination and diseases.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to correctly prepare and store formula milk safely for your young one:

  1. Wash Your Hands: Before touching any feeding items or powdered food, wash your hands properly with soap and water so that you do not transfer germs.
  2. Clean Feeding Equipment: Rinse bottles, nipples other feeding equipment under hot, soapy water, then rinse thoroughly so that no soap remains; alternatively, sterilize using a steamer or boil in water for at least five minutes if possible.
  3. Measure Water: Rinse bottles, nipples, and other feeding equipment with hot, soapy water until there is no lather; rinse well or steam or boil for five minutes in a steamer if possible.
  4. Add Formula Powder: Use the provided scoop to measure the correct quantity of formula powder, then level it up using a clean, dry knife or spatula. Next, add it to water according to the instructions on the packet.
  5. Mix Thoroughly: Tighten the bottle nipple cap tightly with the bottle nipple attached, then shake this bottle hard until dissolved and evenly distributed throughout the whole water.
  6. Check the Temperature: To test how warm formula milk has become, put some on your wrist; it should be warm but not too hot; otherwise, wait 2-3 minutes and give it to your baby.
  7. Feed Your Baby: Once you have prepared your baby’s milk beverage, give it to her straight Away. Not a single drop of milk left over after two hours must be held as this will increase bacteria growth.
  8. Safely Store Formula: For those who like making formula at the last moment or with extra formula, keep it in the refrigerator below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). A day is when you could use any of it and discard all leftover formula.
  9. Reheating Formula Should be Avoided: The best option is to make fresh new bottles of formula for every feed done. Do not reheat any unused milk from feeding because this creates uneven heat and promotes harmful bacteria growth.
  10. Practice Proper Hygiene: Ensure that you wash your hands clean before starting any food preparation exercise, sterilize all the utensils used while handling baby milk, and rinse them well with hot water and soap once after using them again.

These rules guide you on making safe baby formula rich in essential components for the child’s body development. Please consult your doctor or a pediatrician when such matters arise if you need more information on infant nutrition other than what is discussed here.

Signs of Formula Milk Allergy

However, some infants may have allergies or be intolerant of certain product ingredients. Parents should take prompt action if they notice signs of an allergic reaction in their children to respond to these allergies effectively.

Watch out for these common signs that your baby might be allergic to formula milk:

  • Skin Rash: Eczema and hives are the most prevalent rashes associated with formula milk allergy. Such rashes can occur immediately after feeding or within hours and may appear red, itchy, and swollen.

What You Should Do: Take your child to a pediatrician if they have developed a persistent rash to determine whether it is allergy-related and receive appropriate advice on its management.

  • Digestive Problems: Infants allergic to formula milk may experience constipation, diarrhea, gas, or bloating. These signs indicate that certain formula ingredients are causing your baby’s digestive system to respond negatively.

What to Do:

Speak with your doctors if your infant has trouble digesting food when feeding. Your doctor might advise switching to hypoallergenic or specialized formula milk that is easier for your child to digest.

  • Respiratory Symptoms: In addition to wheezing, coughing, and nasal congestion, some infants with an allergy to formula milk may also experience respiratory symptoms. These signs indicate an allergic reaction. Therefore, medical professionals should investigate further.

What to Do: After feeding the infant, prompt medical assistance is required if respiratory symptoms are noticed. The doctor can advise on the course of treatment and assess the severity of the symptoms.

  • Fussiness or Irritability: Formula milk allergies in babies can cause gastrointestinal pain from allergic reactions, which can explain why these symptoms—such as increased fussiness, irritability, or colic-like symptoms—occur after feeding.

What to Do: Keep a close eye on your baby’s symptoms and talk with your pediatrician about the cause if he gets excessively anxious or fussy while fed. 

They will assist in determining whether an allergy to milk causes these symptoms and provide appropriate treatment plans.

Should you suspect your infant has an allergy to formula milk, you must consult a pediatrician or any other qualified medical professional to evaluate and manage the condition appropriately. 

They can find out what’s causing your child’s problem and suggest some dietary changes or treatment options that will ensure your child’s well-being.

Which Formula Will Make My Baby Fat?

There is no exact Nigerian type of powdered milk purposely made to make the babies fat. Nonetheless, some formulas, like those high in fat content or special formulas formulated for preterm babies, are used to achieve weight gain in children. 

Therefore, one has to consult a pediatrician or other health care professional to determine which kind of formula would be the best for their child according to nutrition requirements and development goals.

Which Milk Can Make My Baby Gain Weight Fast?

No particular brand of Nigerian powdered milk is made specifically to fatten up babies. 

However, certain types of formula, like high-fat or special formulas intended for preemies, facilitate weight gain among infants. 

Consequently, someone needs to seek advice from a doctor or any other healthcare provider about what kind of formula will be good enough for their infant, considering dietary needs and milestones towards growth improvement.

Which Nan Is Best For Newborn?

There isn’t any Nigerian-specific Infant Milk meant just to make babies grow big very fast by feeding them with this product alone! 

Nevertheless, there are various brands, such as Nan Optipro is a popular choice due to its balanced nutrients required by infants’ body cells while developing into strong bones. That said, parents need an expert opinion from pediatricians before.

Which Brand Of Formula Milk Is Best?

Different factors, such as the baby’s age, preferences of flavors, nutritional needs specific to a particular child, and allergies, determine which formula milk brand is the best.

 Similac, Enfamil, Nestle Nan, Aptamil, and Hipp Organic are among the most popular names in this market. These companies make formulas for various stages of a child’s growth and dietary requirements.

Therefore, it is important to consult health care professionals and evaluate the quality of ingredients used, their safety standards as well as brand reputation when choosing baby milk formula.

Can I Mix Nan And SMA Gold?

Combining different brands or types of powdered baby food is not usually advisable unless you have first talked with your healthcare provider about it. 

Each formula product normally has its characteristics; thus, mixing them might result in malnutrition for a child or stomach-related problems later on. 

To ensure that your kid is adequately fed and no complications arise from this procedure, adhering to the type and brand recommended by your doctor becomes very significant. 

If you intend to switch brands or have any other concerns, seeing a healthcare expert before taking action would be prudent.


Babies aged 0-6 months need to eat right. Understanding what they should eat is important to give them the best start. 

Whether breastfeeding or giving baby formula, this is crucial for their growth and development. When parents emphasize nutrition and make the right feeding choices, they will establish a strong base for their babies’ future health. 

Remember that every child is different. Thus, it is important to consult healthcare providers for personal advice on infant feeding practices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Is formula milk safe for babies under six months in Nigeria? 

Suppose made and used correctly, yes. Consult your healthcare provider.

Recommended formula milk for Nigerian infants? 

Depends on what the baby wants at any given time. Ask a pediatrician.

How to prepare formula milk

Find guidelines shown by the manufacturer on the package.

Mixing breast milk and formula milk? 

It could be allowed by a healthcare professional with experience in such matters; however, exclusive breastfeeding is usually recommended for the first six months.

Switching formula brands? 

Speak to a doctor first before attempting to change brand names.

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